Zooming into Sales
Gil Peretz, a TEDx speaker and an international author, has certain ideas on how to rock on your next Zoom sales call.
“These ideas can help you to turn the lemon of COVID-19 into lemonade – and, perhaps, with some limes, into the best margarita you’ve ever had,” said Gil Peretz
So what is the key to unravelling the current spiral of boring virtual meetings, non engaging participants and monotonous agendas?
I want to take this one step further and add the ‘spice of sales’.
What we used to consider as a high tech, sometimes tool…should now be considered as a comfortable, intimate conversational tool, especially when it comes to sales.
LOOK at your camera
One of the biggest mistakes people make on a Zoom call is to not look at the camera.
It is so easy to look at the person’s face on screen, which is what comes naturally to us in face to face meetings. However, looking at a customer on the screen, lowers your eyes and tilts your head down from the camera, losing that intimate connection and total customer engagement.
Learn to adjust your gaze and direct you conversation, emotions and gestures directly into the camera.
Soften your expression and SMILE
Being on a video call can be nerve wracking although these days, we are becoming more comfortable with video technology. Surprisingly, there are still many Zoom participants that turn off their video so as not to be seen in real time. (Understandable for those attending meetings in their pyjamas).
To ease the tension and anxiety of video calls, relax your expression and smile. Smiling helps reduce the body’s response to stress and anxiety and additionally lowers our heart rate in tense situations.
Customers always appreciate a smile and want to feel comfortable with you in a meeting. Behaviours are quite often mirrored, so if you’re tense, it is likely that your customer will also feel anxious.
To overcome nervousness and create the habit of smiling, attach a small sticky note with a drawing of a smiley face near your laptop’s camera. Not only will this help you smile but will remind you to look into that camera!
Elements of SOUND and expression
I am a big believer that behaviours and non-verbal communication are keys to success in sales. In Zoom sales calls, however, sound is the predominant feature and your body language becomes secondary.
Except for tiny hand movements or small body motions, your customer won’t notice your body language through their screen. Therefore, your voice needs to illustrate your emotion and behaviours. Be aware of varying the tone, pitch, tempo and cadence of your voice during your call. Volume can also indicate expression.
Deliberate pauses are also excellent for sales calls. Use a pause when you want to emphasise critical words or phrases, or when negotiating and handling objections. Pausing subconsciously tells your customer you are delivering a meaningful message.
From sitting to STANDING
Standing in a Zoom meeting can change the meetings energy and dynamics.
When you engage with a customer whilst standing, you boost your level of energy and enthusiasm, and your body language tends to be more open and free. Standing up tall, with shoulders back improves your posture and carries your message in a different way. That energy can help better influence your customers and deliver a message with power.
Standing can also boost your own confidence and delivery style making for a much more engaging Zoom call.
It’s a proven fact that sharing personal information at the beginning of a call will result in better sales negotiations and outcomes.
Apply that to your Zoom meeting!
Start your meeting by sharing some personal things, customers will generally mirror that behaviour especially if you ask open questions. It is important to engage with your customer professionally, but a little personal chit chat will not only increase the comfort of the conversation, but you will gain trust and confidence, giving the customer permission to open up and share business challenges.
Customers buy from human beings; it is important to show who you really are.
Now, it’s your turn to use these tips and engage in powerful video conversations.
It’s time to shake, stir, pour and taste the best margarita EVER!